Broker's Playbook - Good For Real Estate



How Brad Lamb became one of the most successful real estate professionals in the history of the city

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When you have personally been involved in approximately 28,000 real estate transactions worth between $8bn and $9bn, there’s nary a doubt you’re one of the best – if not the best – real estate professional in your city’s history.

Such is the case for Toronto’s Brad Lamb, owner of Brad J. Lamb Realty Realty Inc. and Lamb Development Corp., who started selling for Harry Stinson in 1985, and earned a whopping $250,000 in his inaugural year. As it turned out, that was only the tip of the iceberg.

“I understand what I have to do to get people to buy – and I’m not talking about salacious things!” joked Lamb. “You have to understand who you’re dealing with and getting the customer to agree with your viewpoint, but ultimately the customer needs to want the product.”

In reality, Lamb was more than just a good salesman. He spent thousands of hours studying Toronto’s real estate, including going over myriad floorplans and unit layouts, and presenting himself as a sales agent for whom no detail was too small to memorize.

“If you met me, you’d have realized I quickly knew more than the other people you’d talk to about Toronto real estate,” said Lamb. “People make decisions, really, on first impressions, whether they’re buying a car, couch or home.”

Lamb isn’t just a recognizable face in real estate circles, however. He was the star of his own HGTV reality TV show called Big City Broker, in which a sometimes abrasive Lamb, who was then only running Brad J. Lamb Realty, and his team were documented buying and selling in the Canadian real estate big leagues.

The show’s later days also captured Lamb Development Corp.’s early days. Today, the developer is selling projects in Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Hamilton and, of course, Toronto.

Lamb Development Corp.’s projects are what Lamb describes as “sexy, cool housing.” The buildings and units are luxurious, yet affordable, bestowing upon buyers the ways they’ve always imagined living.

“Our housing just looks sexy,” said Lamb. “It incorporates avant-garde, modern architecture that’s better than what’s in most cities in the world. Wherever you go, our buildings are among the best in that city, like they’re right out of a design magazine because they’re the way people want to live but never do. The way they imagined living, but can’t put together – we put it together and that’s the kind of housing we deliver in any city we work in.”

Even when it comes to staging on the real estate sales side, Lamb and his team tap into buyers’ dreams of their tony abodes, and then present them.

“We make sure the property is prepared to be sold,” said Lamb. “We make it look as good as it can. Our units, whether development units or property we’re selling on behalf of a third party owner, we make sure these homes look amazing. We make them visibly beautiful. They smell good, they’re clean and freshly painted.
That’s how we prepare all our homes.”

Sparing no small detail the attention it deserves, it’s no wonder Brad Lamb is arguably the best sales agent in the history of Toronto real estate.