Let’s face it: not all agents are the marketing gurus they think they are. Unfortunately, some of those bad puns and awkward photos make it to their advertising materials.
But, luckily for us, that makes for a long list of hilariously bad real estate advertising.
Here are our 14 favourite real estate ads gone rogue.
14 – Plan your negotiations appropriately.
#pb#13 – The quotes are quite worrisome…
#pb#12 – Unlike Bill, this agent is quite desperate.
#pb#11 – Sometimes honesty isn’t the best policy.
#pb#10 – The listing description that Edgar Allan Poe would have written.
#pb#9 – And if that still doesn’t work, well, you’re on your own.
#pb#8 – Proof that copy editing is very, very important.
#pb#7 – Adulterers need not apply, indeed.
#pb#6 – Dave’s mom seems like a really sweet lady.
#pb#5 – We didn’t know there was another kind of owner…
#pb#4 – Perfect for the hippies on your client list.
#pb#3 – Incentives, like free bus fare, are a great way to entice buyers.
#pb#2 – Not exactly what most people would consider a million-dollar view…