Melanie Sinclair – Deloitte

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Toronto, ON

With over 35 years of experience in corporate real estate, Melanie Sinclair is a legend amongst her peers for her unmatched negotiating skills and mastery of legal fine print, which have saved companies millions. Sinclair sources locations, negotiates business terms, administers leases and assists in facility management for a client base that runs the gamut, from small entrepreneurial landlords to large anchor tenants.

For women looking to follow her path to success, Sinclair says passion and flexibility are a must, but adds that finding colleagues who will act as advocates may be the most important step of all. “You will need this if you want to succeed and grow,” she says. “Everyone needs someone that they can trust and use as a sounding board. Forty-six percent of men have a sponsor, which means they will have greater access to future assignments.”