RE/MAX INTEGRA has cemented an agreement with online real estate advertising firm Adwerx Enterprise, which will power listing advertisements for luxury properties situated in Canada and New England.
The ads, which will use behavioural targeting and related methods to reach the broadest possible audience, are now live in local markets and are visible on high-traffic websites, as well as on Facebook and mobile apps.
“This added exposure gives sellers the confidence to know that their homes are being extensively marketed on the popular media outlets and social media websites that people visit every day,” RE/MAX INTEGRA stated in its announcement.
Read more: Online platform facilitates real estate services on demand
“We see a unique opportunity to build awareness of our Luxury Listings immediately which should garner more sales and in turn help us generate more listings,” RE/MAX INTEGRA vice president of marketing and special projects David Brown said. “These ads provide high visibility and extensive exposure for listings during those first critical days when the property is brought to market.”