The most influential voice in real estate

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The CEO of a major real estate company has been recognized as the most influential person in Canadian real estate.

For the third year in a row Phil Soper, president and CEO of Royal LePage, was named the most influential person in Canadian residential real estate by Swanepoel Power 200 (SP200).

And he was quick to share the credit.

“It’s a reflection of the hundred year old company I’m at the helm of,” Soper told REP. “I feel I’m accepting the honour on behalf of the 17-18,000 people who work here.”

The SP200 identifies influential leaders in residential real estate. The honourees include corporate executives, brokerage executives, technology executives, execs in organized real estate, and thought leaders.

Soper was ranked #1 in Canada and 20th overall.

Quite the honour. Yet, Soper remains humble.

"We are the oldest national real estate company and the largest by a wide margin,” Soper said. “Just the metrics of that, I would be surprised if the person leading the company wasn’t honoured."

Soper told REP about the responsibility he feels – not only to his company, but also to remaining an unbiased voice.

“One of the reasons the media comes back to me is because I’ve got a history of telling it like it is, even if it isn’t positive,” Soper said. “Some of my team in Fort McMurray were concerned about some of the challenges I’ve spoken about in that area but it’s important that homebuyers in markets know the truth."