Agents know their clients are looking for love at first sight when viewing homes, and now one online search portal is borrowing from a popular dating app to help clients find the one.

A Minnesota-based MLS site is trying to simplify the home-buying process with its Tinder-style app, which allows users to like or disapprove of properties in the blink of an eye.

“Over 50% of Tinder’s users are 24 years of age and older,” according to Estately, the app developer. “Flip makes perfect sense as the ideal format for first time home buyers who average 30-32 years of age.”

Like Tinder – which allows users to swipe left or right to dismiss or approve of a potential match – Estatley Flip saves the style and type of home that users “favourite,” and excludes from future search the homes that users dismiss.
“It’s such an efficient model for home buyers,” Galen Ward, Estately co-founder and CEO, told TechCrunch. “You know you don’t want the home, so why see it over and over?”

While the new app may be able to get some PR traction by its apparent ability to get an attention span challenged generation to engage with real estate, one really has to question how serious a buyer is if they want to choose on one quick glimpse of a photo…