Ep: 61 – How to Grow with Improved Hustle – w/Jay McNabb | Broker’s Playbook

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Ep: 61 - How to Grow with Improved Hustle - w/Jay McNabb | Broker's Playbook

Ready to make waves in the real estate industry? Tune into this episode of The Broker’s Playbook Podcast and get ready for some serious hustle. We’re excited to host Jay McNabb – Co-Founder of the Torro Group and find out what it takes to be successful in business and real estate today. Get insights, advice, and strategies to take your real estate game to new heights! Don’t miss out on this inspiring episode!

Simeon Papailias: To all my brothers and sisters. I have a hot episode coming up with Jay McNabb from the Torah group in Barrie, Ontario. Jay started in the business and within three years he was at over 40 transactions a year, leading one of the most progressive groups in real estate in Ontario in this amazing country of Canada. Log on, tune in, and get on the website. I hope you join us for an episode that’s inspiring and where you’re really going to get what hustle means. See you there. What’s up Brokers Playbook Nation Welcome to another episode and I have a good old straight out of Barrie right here right now. I got Jay McNabb with me. Jay McNabb welcome to brokers playbook my man.

Jay McNabb: Appreciate you having me, man. Look forward to it.

Simeon Papailias: It’s it’s it’s my pleasure. And I’ve spent the last kind of five minutes just getting warmed up with you and you dropped a lot of a lot of golden nuggets that we’re going to be covering off. And I’m actually quite excited because you haven’t been in this business for 15 or 20 years like a dinosaur like myself. But you’re in the business for four years. Correct? And brokers playbook. What we try to do, what we strive to do is elevate the game with every episode by sharing crucial movement specific trends in the marketplace. Like what are people doing that are finding success? The biggest thing we find is the successful people are never secretive about it. There are some common traits between successful people. Typically, they’re pretty hard working and busy, so they’re hard to nail down. It took us about three months to get here today between our schedules. But but the common traits are always surrounding, typically surrounding work ethic and the willingness to do the job. Totally agree. There’s a truckload of of jokes that I’ve heard that people speak of you about your about your tone and manner, about how you view the world, how you view the business. And that’s what we’re going to unpack today. And I really want because there’s a lot to unpack. I want to just start with you. Tell our audience, tell our brothers and sisters, this is an industry podcast. Tell our brothers and sisters a little bit about Barry and what that market is like. How long I said, you’ve been here for four years. Tell us about year one and kind of where you’re at today.

Jay McNabb: Yeah, so I’m from Barrie, born and raised in Barry Love the City, love the people. It makes me smile. Even talking about Barrie, I service all of Simcoe County and my company is called the Torro Group. And how the Torro Group kind of started. For those that don’t know what the Torro Group means, Torro means bull. I’m a Taurus born in May. I know you’re born in May as well. I found that out today. That’s pretty close. And my partner was born in May as well. So on May 9th, he’s May 13th. And we stand for what a bull stands for. And that’s fighting for our clients, fighting to get them the deals, staying loyal. That’s how we built this whole team up from the ground up. It’s a loyal team. We’re hard working and we’re willing to go to battle. And that’s kind of what this industry is. You know, we’re going to do whatever it takes to get our clients exactly what they need and want in this day and age.

Simeon Papailias: So so I’m not going to lie. You do remind me a lot of myself from an aggressive perspective, and I don’t know if that’s the right word to use or not, but I have I have never taken anything laying down. I still pump 12 to 16 hours a day, every single day. And I’m on year 17. And that’s because I simply love what I do. So the art of the deal, The deal people, I actually love it all. I love the intricacies of different days. I love the complexity of a difficult deal, a challenging client, somebody just telling me that I can’t do something. By all means. That’s what I live for. And it’s you seem strikingly similar. I don’t know if it’s the Earth sign of Taurus or whatever it is. You were an investor before you became an agent, correct? You got interested in real estate and saw the potential. What kind of volume did you do in year one and where did it come from?

Jay McNabb: So year one, I was able to do 43 deals, which was absolutely amazing. But not that there’s.

Simeon Papailias: Anything wrong with rentals, but this is not rentals, this is sales.

Jay McNabb: This ends no rentals at all. So this is just ends okay. But just like you said, I’m very passionate about what I do, even to this day. If I’m not doing a deal and I’m just chilling in bed, I’m actually looking on MLS and I’m looking for deals. It’s a sickness, I know, Yeah. So I’m constantly always looking for deals. And it’s I think that’s how I was able to help so many clients out there in my first year is because I was doing it for myself. So what I would do for myself, I was doing for my clients in year one and this was with no face on a sign. This was no past C.o.i My family wasn’t from real estate. This was just get up and go. When you wake up in the morning, you have two options. One is to hit the snooze button or get up and go.

Simeon Papailias: So, so, so tell me, year one No sphere of influence. You don’t come from real estate. This is a very typical story. You’re not the first and you’re definitely not going to be the last. The difference is not many get to 43 on year one. So. So what did you do? You obviously, you did not hit the snooze button. What did you do?

Jay McNabb: So what I did, I was on the phones. I was on the phones all the time. I wasn’t scared of. No, I had no fear. So anything that we tell ourselves in our mind, Oh, I don’t want to pick up this phone I’m supposed to call three days ago. You kind of paralyze yourself. I had none of this pre notion of these feelings of.

Simeon Papailias: Embarrassment or what are they going to think of me?

Jay McNabb: I just did it. And I had no other job to fall back on. This was it. So it was sink or swim for me. So I would go door knock every door if we had a, you know, a for sale in the area or we had a sold in the area. I didn’t just go randomly around different areas. I would strategically go to certain areas and knock on the doors. I was picking up the phones, like I said, constantly picking up the phones. And I really cherished a lead. Right now, what I’m seeing in this industry, you know, even when I’m dispersing leads, when I don’t see them, you know, the agents calling them, I’m like.

Speaker3: This is gold.

Jay McNabb: If I could have this, like, if I were you in your position, I’m hammering these down twice a day and I’m hammering it for the first five days. And then if I’m not getting ahold of them for the first five days, then we can talk and we can decide what we want to do with the.

Simeon Papailias: I’ve talked about this fact a million times, and for anybody listening, wonder how you get to 43 deals on year one. You just heard it. And that’s he called people twice a day for five days straight because truly the only bad outcome, they can come and say, Jay, you are way too tenacious and good at your job. Please leave me alone. Maybe for just five days. Yep, no problem. Yeah. I’ll give you a call in a week. Yep. Thanks for telling me that, cuz I would have called you two more times tomorrow. Exactly. For anybody wondering, real estate is sold 90% between the seventh and 12th contact. 60% of agents. Never call twice. If you just made the second call that afternoon, you’re already outperforming 60% of the industry. And this is not. To shut or discourage anyone. But it’s truly to understand. Stop asking for a blue pill. Exactly. It is as simple as picking up the phone. And if you called five days straight, twice a day, you’re already a call ten by the end of a week. If that person’s not moving, you know that this lead is no longer a prospect. Drop it and move on to a better one. Totally agree, because by call for call five, you’re going to know what’s shaking and by call ten. If you haven’t put a deal together, go back to school. Go back to the drawing board for sure, because I would have closed it. Exactly. So 43 deals is not unheard of. And the reason it’s not unheard of because because I’ve interviewed a couple dozen people on this very show that have done it before. I know what I have done before. And you are doing it right now in 2023, and you did it in 2020 for the first time. Yeah. So with that being said, you are now a team leader. You got ten people that you’re responsible for in shaping and guiding them. What is the production where you’re on the road to? What?

Jay McNabb: We’re on the road to 200 right now, and I’m very excited to say that it’s huge. Yeah. So our first quarter Q1 of this year, 2023, we were able to do 50 ends. So again, buyer sells and we did 40 leases.

Simeon Papailias: That’s incredible. And that’s a that’s a great trajectory. And you’re on pace for 200, which is a blasting great year. Put things into perspective for me. How do you feel leading a team at this point? How does the has your day to day changed with some training and development? Are you still leading the charge on the ground? What is your culture like at the team?

Jay McNabb: I love that question because I consider myself, yes, a team lead, but I’m like the captain of the team. I’m actually playing the sport still. I’m on the ice or I’m on the court with them and I’m doing the do’s. I’m in the trenches with them. I’m still doing open houses. If they’re not, I’m taking it. I’m showing them I’m still hungry and I am still hungry and I live my day to day like that. So am I giving them leads and coaching them and following up to make sure they’re saying the right thing and listening to their calls, doing team weekly meetings, doing Thursday, team building, skill set, skill development, 100%. I’m doing all those things.

Simeon Papailias: Are you finding the team culture is strong and your agents are involved? Are you seeing some slowdown after you pass that six seven agents? Are you seeing competition? Are you facing any of those challenges? Are you enjoying a pretty good culture right now?

Jay McNabb: I’m enjoying a pretty good culture. And the way we built this culture wasn’t off, you know, doing in dads or, you know, putting something out on LinkedIn. So there’s no.

Simeon Papailias: Randos coming.

Jay McNabb: On the team, no Randos, no Kijiji AD These are people that were built off loyalty. So we’ve built this foundation rock solid and I’m so happy to go to war with these guys and girls every day because they could call me any hour of the day or night and I’m going to answer my phone for them.

Simeon Papailias: I still do the same. And we have we’re at 60, 60 agents. And it’s a lot. I mean, it gets pretty hardcore at this type of team size to try and maintain that kind of connection with each person. But we have tried different things over the years. As I said, we’re 17 years into this mess and and it’s never been easier or harder. It’s always a challenge. Every day is a challenge. But we’ve tried. Indeed, we’ve tried. We’ve tried only the people we know. We’ve tried referral and you will in due course have your own experience. But there is nothing stronger than sticking only to the people that grow organically. Meaning as you’re growing on 1010 people are now touching exponentially more people and they’re exposed to Victor or to Christina or to whoever who. Then Christina says, Well, what is it you guys are doing over there? And slowly takes an interest and starts building herself into the team and then she becomes a part of the team fabric. I think if more people stuck to that because that’s where we’re at again now. My advice and insight as an old timer supposedly in this business would be that you’re definitely on the right road from a team growth perspective. And I will tell you to never be lured by the convenience potentially of an ad campaign or Google ads or Instagram ads to recruit because they do typically recruit the wrong agent, the agent who’s looking for something faster, a shortcut. They’re like, Oh, if I align myself with him, he’ll be able to get me into there. So they’re always looking for something not so much as to give into the culture as much. I love that. What is an area of your business? You’re on the road to 200. How do you think you’re going to get to 300 or 400? Where is it that the team needs work? Where is the hole in the ship for sure?

Jay McNabb: I would definitely say right now, kind of with the marketing campaigns and the drip campaigns and having those really dialed in. So when those kind of email blasts are going out, it’s making people want to raise their hand and they’re going to be going out on a consistent basis.

Simeon Papailias: You want that? To up the game on that.

Jay McNabb: Exactly. I definitely want to get the automation up.

Simeon Papailias: What’s your thoughts from what actually works like from your experience in the marketplace? Are you going to be sending recipe cards and flower tips? Are you going to be going? So I know it’s not going to be that, But I mean, the old school guard.

Jay McNabb: I actually have a funny story on that one right now, The recipe card. So we. So, you know, some of our cards that will go out and door knock with they do have a recipe on the back.

Speaker3: Trying to give some value so.

Simeon Papailias: We’ve we’ve never done that. And again I’m not hating on anybody who does it By all means do I just find it a little bit on the non-strategic and non-intentional? You fall into the category with everyone else by by deploying a generic or a company that does a third party company that does your newsletter. I’m not sure how it’s possible that in 30 days you have nothing of your own interesting to share. And if that’s the case. Why are you sending anything at all? Because you’re clearly not that interesting. What I’m trying to say is, again, not to hate on it or that you’re not interesting if you have been doing it. Maybe reevaluate where you spend your marketing dollar. For sure. Same with the movies, because I don’t agree with movie days. And you just did a huge event, a very successful event, which has its merit. But I am extremely strategic and intentional. And what I mean by that is if you’re going to send a newsletter, why don’t you tell the people of the neighborhood, the people of your community, whatever it is, you’re the people you’re trying to resonate with. Give them something to resonate with Instead of sharing a picture of a garden, send them a picture of you on your motorcycle, of you at the gym, of you taking photography of birds. Try to click with someone and tell people what you’re about. I think the unique thing that has been developed in the last, let’s call it decade, but specifically in the last five years on social, the blow up of social is our ability to actually showcase who we are authentically.

Simeon Papailias: That’s what I love about social. It’s incredible. Yeah. So if you’re still door knocking in, this is one of the things that I cover in my actual training for agents is your door knocking strategy, your open house strategy. There’s people there’s people that will go with a just listed flyer. Knock on doors and say, Hi, my name is Simeon Popillius and I just listed a property. I mean, 99% of people have absolutely no interest whatsoever because they’re school teachers, mechanics, bus drivers, all the things of the beautiful people of the of the world. Do they only look for a home when they’re looking for a home. Exactly. Which is, I don’t know, about 4% of the population annually. So the chances are that somebody interested in even seeing you is four out of 100, three out of 100, depending on the changeover of any neighborhood that you’re that you’re doing. If you were to simply look at door knocking as an opportunity to brand yourself, to to leave a lasting impression, instead of being the salesman who interrupted my dinner, you’re going to be the community leader that’s doing something for the neighborhood. When I when I door knocked and when I teach on how to door knock, it’s A2A month campaign. Pick the neighborhood, any neighborhood pick a card, any card, pick your neighborhood, any neighborhood. But you’re going to go twice, two weeks apart. The first on the Monday you’re going to go and you’re going to drop off a tote. If they answer the door, you’re going to give it to them. You’re going to tell them that you’re raising funds for the local.

Simeon Papailias: Shelter for the raising food for the food bank. Leave a bag and say, I’m going to be coming back on Friday. Who are you? My name is Simeon Palpellius. I actually live here. This is my neighborhood in real estate. I do a lot for this. I have a deep interest in this neighborhood. Say your piece. Exactly. Tell them who you are and what your business is. But don’t sell them. Tell them. Demand that they help you get the neighborhood further. They’re going to remember you for being the crazy guy at the door that demanded begged them to give a couple of cans of chickpeas. Exactly. To give ten bucks for the shelter to do to do a cleanup next Friday at the park. Whatever the case may be, you can build community the second time around. You’re going to put on the real estate hat, you’re going to knock on the door. It’s a matter of, if you remember from a couple of weeks ago, but I actually just listed a home and I’m asking for your help. If you know anybody who’s looking to move into the neighborhood, please share the information if you’re interested. Even if you want to just pass by, if you’re curious as to what your home is worth or whatever the case, drop by for a cup of coffee. There’s going to be coffee, there’s going to be cookies, whatever the case may be. That is intentional door knocking. That is how you establish presence, real presence, belly to belly at the door with intent.

Jay McNabb: I love that and I love the belly to belly. And what that reminds me of, that’s the law of fair trade. You went there on week one and you offered value you’re giving. And then in turn, when you went back on week two, they’re going to feel more obligated to give back.

Simeon Papailias: So and there’s been a million ways to say this. Gary Vee with left, left, right or whatever, the hook, hook, jab, jab, jab, hook, whatever the case may be. Gary Vaynerchuk’s book on this very technique is you specifically give first. And then when you ask, people respond. Jab, jab, hook. It’s just as simple as that. I like that. It’s very simple. You’re doing it in your own way because you do four events a year. You didn’t go from 43 to the road to 200 doing nothing. Tell me how you engaged community. Tell me how. Why does the community trust you?

Jay McNabb: For sure. And I love the term the belly to belly because that’s what I love doing. I love being around my clients. A lot of people that I transacted with, we became very tight knit. And I’m you know, they’re giving because you.

Simeon Papailias: Care about their path.

Jay McNabb: I truthfully do. Whatever their path is or whatever they’re trying to do, if it’s making money in real estate or if it’s upgrading, you know, upsizing, I’m there and I’m there the whole way. So what we do right now is we do a lot of events with the community, and I love giving back to the community. Berry is a very small, tight knit town and I want to do everything I can for the people who need it the most. And sometimes it’s not even just for clients. I’m doing it for people that maybe just don’t have the money to be able to do something. So we’ll open up an event for past clients, future clients and anybody we’re talking to. But if there’s space left and there’s openings left.

Jay McNabb: I open it to the public. Get up in here, man. Exactly.

Jay McNabb: And I love other kids being able.

Jay McNabb: To come out. You know what.

Simeon Papailias: My pet peeve on the planet is going to You need to use the washroom. You pull over, you pull up to a restaurant and it says washrooms for customer use only. Yeah, brother, I could literally go kill someone. Never. Never. Yeah, never. So you open up the event to the community. Tell me the type of events that you have found success in. I follow you on socials. I saw what you did in January or February, I believe. Yep. With the skating rink for the family day. Tell me a little bit about about Family Day and the success that that had, because it’s incredible.

Jay McNabb: Yeah. So this was.

Jay McNabb: A really cool event. This is my first time doing a skating event. And what I loved about it the most, you’re actually interacting with everybody face to face. And we’ll talk about the movie thing because I know why you probably don’t like it, but we’ll get to that. Yeah, but the skating event was a blast and we did it at the biggest arena in Barrie, which is the Paul Sadlon Arena. It’s where the Barrie Colts play and we had over 200 plus people come and it was awesome.

Speaker3: 200, 200 plus.

Simeon Papailias: On year four of real.

Speaker3: Estate year, four of real estate.

Simeon Papailias: And were these people in the database? How did they find you? Was it word of mouth? How did it go?

Speaker3: For sure.

Jay McNabb: So we started with the database. So we built out an Eventbrite link with a video. So I went there, you know, a month prior, shot a video. We dropped it into the Eventbrite. We email, blasted it out with the link for them to click register. And then we started seeing people register. Then I would also look at the list. You know, I’d have my operations manager give me the list and I would see if any other clients that aren’t on the list. And I’d personally now be calling, Hey, you know, did you miss the email or, you know, I want to let you know we are doing a skating event. If you and the kids want to come out, you know, it’s family day. There’s not much to do. I’d love to see you guys. And they you know, it just trickled off of that. And then ultimately, we still had space left. So then I put it on socials and I blasted it out to anybody that kind of wanted to come. I wanted them there.

Simeon Papailias: I love it because in 2023, as everybody knows, the economy has been hammered with inflation. Families have never been more budget conscious. I totally agree. An event that’s as generous as a family day where they’re going to get their hot chocolate, they’re going to get their kids on the ice. They don’t have to look at the time and spend half a day of a day that would otherwise cost them a couple of hundred bucks. Exactly. I believe it means something to them above and beyond the typical my real estate agents event. Like I have had comments this year from every event saying, This is so generous. We really appreciate it. Glad to be your client. Can’t wait to give you another referral. So. So people, that’s.

Jay McNabb: Music to my ears. No, but.

Simeon Papailias: I do truly believe that people are appreciating more and more the little things from a perspective. If they believe that your intention to be genuine, not a sneaky salesman, which clearly you’re not, but if they believe your intention to be genuine, your business is going to explode because people have never been more aware and more easy to cancel. People who suck and reward those doing the right things. Tell me a little bit about more other events that you’ve done or you’re planning on doing and how those are incorporated into business building for sure.

Jay McNabb: So we just finished off the event on April 8th. So Easter weekend.

Simeon Papailias: My son was in the.

Jay McNabb Theater. Yeah. So we.

Jay McNabb: The Mario Bros. Movie launched. And, you know, I’m a big Mario Bros. Guy, you know, Mario Kart like, you know, growing up like Mario was awesome. So I’m like, this is going to be the perfect movie. I think a lot of people can resonate with, you know, the adults, the kids to come out. Exactly. It’s very.

Jay McNabb: Popular.

Simeon Papailias: I played Mario one and my son has played Mario, whatever it is. Odyssey So like we both grew up on Mario.

Jay McNabb: Exactly.

Jay McNabb: It’s still around, right? So everybody knows Mario. So we decided to rent out the Cineplex in Barrie in the South End and again, have all our clients come past clients, future clients. And we also brought some people from the public that we knew if their mother or father reached out and said, Hey, you know, would you mind if we were coming? We haven’t done any business with the Toro Group. We said, No problem. Of course we don’t close the doors. And the cool thing was I was dressed up as Mario, and if anybody does follow me on social, they’ll see that I do have a fat bulldog, a big fat bulldog. We dressed her up as Mario as well, and she just stood there the whole time.

Jay McNabb Just just cute kids loved it. And those are.

Simeon Papailias: Probably the cutest animal that exists with their little tongue always sticking out.

Jay McNabb: So she was the star of the.

Jay McNabb: Show, but it was a really good time. And what we kind of did differently is we told people to come at 930. The movie didn’t start till 1030, so I did have an hour with them belly to belly in the arcade, talking, taking pictures, seeing what’s going on, engaging, exactly, engaging. And then before the movie started, I got in front of everybody and just without them, again, when I say them, my clients, stuff like this isn’t possible. Them supporting me helps me be able to give back, and I’m very appreciative for that.

Simeon Papailias: Well, that’s because you care about your community. What I will say is because because I always judge the movie nights and let me make this ultra clear for residential real estate. As a residential real estate broker, yes, you have to do a family night with a movie because it’s something they remember because I’m such an investment focused realtor and I’m a I’m a commercial broker by trade. Me personally, my team is far more reaching. We cover every asset class. But I say, why put somebody in a dark room for three hours if you can take them for dinner, or if you can do a cocktail party for sure. But cocktail parties are not kid friendly. So again, going back to it, it’s a blessing that you do what you do. For anybody listening, please ensure that it’s not just a movie, but there’s a two hour or an hour and a half event before it the arcade, because that’s where the business is done. The movie happens, and what they leave with is the memory in the engagement, which is going to lead to referrals. Top of mind appreciation may be a follow on socials where now they’re hooked on you, all the different things that are for business, but with intention building community. Exactly. And building feelings and memories for everyone.

Jay McNabb: Totally agree. And then even after the movie, we had a little booth set up for people to actually come give their own little review of the movie. So now we had the kids engaging with the microphone. The parents now are talking about the Toro Group and thank you to the Toro Group. We were able to do this. The kids are saying their favorite part of the movie. So we made it even a little bit of a gauging after and what we do now. So we have the media team basically compile all the footage and now we’ll send that out as an email blast to let, Hey guys, it was a total success.

Simeon Papailias: And once again, engaging another touch point, another touch point that you’re not selling, that you’re actually saying thank you to the community, hope you had a good time. And then the next one will be a selling meaning, Hey, remember me? This is we’re here for business. We’re here to serve you. But the consistent drip of giving back and taking and giving back creates community and creates loyalty. These are also the events, in my opinion, that grow long term brand. And what I mean by that. Those kids there might have been eight year olds doing the testimonial, but there could have been 14 year olds or 13 year olds doing testimonials in less than seven years because you’re in the business for years, correct? By the time you’re in your 10th year of business. Those young men and women are going to be looking for their first student residence, their first condo, some of them getting engaged. Who wants to bet? That some of their fondest memories. When they look at your at the bus driving by with your sign in year ten and they say. That’s J. How was it his movie ten years ago? These are impressions. Smile. It makes you smile. Because I’m telling you. Because it’s true. When you become like, we have over 14,000 clients in our database. I’ve been to more weddings than people can ever dream of. Why? Because I have meaningful relationships with my clients. My clients invite me to weddings and baptisms. I have made memories with hundreds and thousands of people. It comes at a price. Your privacy, your time, your this. But if your business is your lifestyle, if your lifestyle is your business, depends on how deep you are into this. I’m deep. If anybody were to ask me about that whole life work balance, there is no balance. This is my life.

Jay McNabb: I totally agree with you. So I’m glad.

Jay McNabb: You’re touching on that because when people say have this balance, have this balance, I eat and breathe this, I love this.

Simeon Papailias: So the thing is, I think people judge what balance is for from their own perspective. If laying out for eight hours a day is your idea of balance, bro, do you? Yeah, exactly. That’s not my cup of tea. I feel I don’t feel well. Taurus. So. So I simply am not capable of doing it. I like people say, Oh, you’re going ham like I am ham. Like I just there is no off switch. I’m off when I’m in bed. That’s it. So I wake up. It’s go time. It’s. It’s gym time. It’s reading time, it’s email time. It’s get up to date time. Where are you going next? I know we’ve spoken offline a bit on collaborations and you maybe starting taking the investment focused real estate approach, maybe a little bit deeper into your portfolio and into your client base as a result of you now have four year old clients. Exactly. So. So what’s next? How are you going to keep providing? Unmatched value to your clients before I do to your clients, for sure. So how are you protecting your book of business? By adding value.

Jay McNabb: So that’s one of the reasons why I’m even here today. And again, I appreciate you having me, because we have been talking kind of off camera and kind of getting things rocking and rolling. And one of the biggest reasons I’m down here is to bring the client, you know, the value back for my clients. And that’s, you know, that other bit of it. And it’s helping them gain wealth through real estate. It’s how I started for myself. And when I look back when I was talking about, you know, how I was finding deals for clients is because I was looking for myself. When I bought my first pre-construction, I was the 24, you know, I made 100,000 off that. And then now I’ve bought I have you know, I have I have over ten of them. I’m still buying pre-construction. And every time I’ve bought pre-construction, I’ve made money.

Simeon Papailias: And I’m going to tell you, it’s not only like pre-construction is the absolute dominant force in the beginner’s in the investor’s beginning of the trip because it’s so easy to do, meaning no mortgage required, no tenants, they’re just putting their deposits over time, easy peasy. It’s also scalable. You can do an event and bang out ten deals if you negotiate a great deal, which we do. And this is why we do the collaborations program. If you have an excellent offering and value prop for your database, you’re going to invite them and you’re going to make more in a Saturday than 90% of the industry annually, which is huge. It’s massive. So for any of those who’ve never done a hundred K in their career, yet for any of those who haven’t done 250 in their career yet. It takes a lot to do a million, but it doesn’t take a lot if you have the right systems, the right mindset and the right intent. I want to give a quick shout out to my business partners training program. It’s called an Immersion. It’s something that he does live, I believe every eight weeks there’s a new one. I could be wrong, but he’s he’s put dozens of agents through it.

Simeon Papailias: And the success that those agents are having in the marketplace now, because they go from immersion straight into our collaboration program. So they go to the to the program, they learn how to do it, and they’re actually inside our company headquarters. So not only is there no secrets like. Peel back the old curtain. Come on in. This is how we do it. The reason we’re not scared of letting the secret is because not everybody is willing to do what it takes. Unless you’re willing to work minimum, like I say, 12 hours a day. Like it’s a miracle. That’s the minimum. 8 to 8. I’ve never been done at 8 p.m. and I’ve never started work at eight either, so. 8 to 8 is the bare minimum. If you’re willing to go down the path of this type of work ethic with the right tools making 500 K, 700 K a million bucks is simply not something that’s unattainable. What did it take for you to get to this type of production? You came out of nowhere. Personally, where is your mindset? How do you view the world? How do you view competition? What do you do to prep yourself?

Jay McNabb: Well, just.

Jay McNabb: Like you said, you know, there’s there’s there’s some jokes. Oh, this guy’s got a lot of energy. We get that a lot. This guy’s got a lot of energy. Well, I do have a lot of energy, and I always feel I got something to prove. Even to this day. I always feel I got something to prove. And I like that. I love when somebody tells me I can’t do something. It just fires me up. And that’s how I get motivated. I kind of get motivated off anger. I get motivated off. If I look to my left or look to my right.

Jay McNabb: You are an angry little man.

Simeon Papailias: You are an angry big man.

Jay McNabb: But if somebody’s.

Jay McNabb: Doing something, I’m like, Well.

Jay McNabb: I can do that.

Jay McNabb: Like I’m doing something wrong. And it frustrates me. So I shouldn’t even just say anger. I get frustrated because I know I can do it. I got it in me, so go do it. So I just have that mentality as it’s constantly pushing forward. Keep winning now straight up.

Simeon Papailias: You look great from from physical shape in your performing, in your business, Do you find a correlation between your exercise regiment and your business practices?

Jay McNabb: For sure.

Jay McNabb: So again, just coming down to that work ethic. So every morning routine I’m up and at it, it’s get up and go. So I go to the gym, fasted, I’m hitting that workout. I have it pre-planned. I know what I’m doing. Meals are already ready. I know what I’m eating. Like even out in my car right now. I brought my own food, right? Because I’m down in your territory. I don’t even know where the restaurants are or anything like that. So I’m prepared right now. I came down here even prepared, and it works for me because there’s no chaos with that. I know what I’m doing and I feel mentally prepared to attack the day because if a new deal comes up or I got to, you know, help another agent in my office or, you know, oversee something, I’m actually mentally and physically ready. And I think that was the biggest thing that helped me going into year two in this industry. I was ready. I was ready to walk into a million.

Simeon Papailias: You felt you felt confident to achieve. You knew you were going to get that MIL. Exactly.

Jay McNabb: That’s phenomenal.

Simeon Papailias: I did. Um, is there a book you’re reading right now? Is there a podcast you listen to? I don’t read. And do you listen to podcasts.

Jay McNabb: Here and there?

Simeon Papailias: What motivates you throughout the day? Is it your own thoughts and strategy? Are you obsessed with your own business? How do you what goes through your head during let’s say you’re taking a ten minute break? What are you thinking about?

Jay McNabb: A million things. So this brain just doesn’t shut down. So I’m constantly thinking about what’s next. How can I do this better? Or how can I get this deal? Or what can I say? Because I strongly believe if we’re in a negotiation or we’re trying to do a deal, what you say is going to change the outcome. So I’m just trying to constantly push forward, say the right thing and be be able to get it done.

Simeon Papailias: Well, for the industry’s sake, I hope you slow down a little bit because we’re all in trouble if you keep growing. Mr. Jay McNabb of the Torah Group, I want to thank you for dropping your side of the story. Appreciate that. Your vision for the business and everything you’re doing. I think a lot of people are going to get a lot out of this. Um, top three things would you say is your absolute gold is your events. How many events are you going to do this year?

Jay McNabb: So we’ve done two. We’re going to do two more. So then again, we’ll we’ll do the cocktail parties for the adults, right? So we’ll do an all inclusive at like a restaurant. Food and beverages mingle belly to belly. And then in October we do over at the pumpkin patch, come get your pumpkin wagon rides, all that stuff, family event. And then lastly, what I do, I just take it upon myself. There’s a charity out in Barrie called Youth Haven, and it’s for, you know, children that are struggling, you know, maybe didn’t have parents. You know, they’ve they’ve had a rough upbringing. And I feel that ages from 14 to 18 kind of don’t get recognized a lot. So I personally go there and I buy them brand new shoes every year at Christmas, I go down to Nike and I bring it to them. And that’s just something I do, you know? And I’ve been doing it for years. I just did document it on there last Christmas, but I’ve been going there for years doing that. And it’s just something that I really I hold in my heart.

Jay McNabb: Is this something.

Simeon Papailias: That you’re going to involve your actual community with to try to do more of? Is there more charities?

Jay McNabb: What’s your plan with that? So I’ve reached.

Jay McNabb: Out to the director of Nike this time because there’s actually what I’ve realized. You don’t run into Nike with your camera crew because you’re not allowed in there with them. So there’s a lot of things that they need to approve and everything like that. So I have been in touch with like the head director of Nike.

Jay McNabb: They try to do more to do.

Jay McNabb: More, right? I want to do more. So I want to take what I’ve started and really build it into more and give back. And, you know, the biggest thing I want to do is just community, community, community.

Simeon Papailias: So so to a lot of just because you brought up that age group in Toronto, the Covenant House is the equivalent, I would say. Okay. And it is kind of the the teens at risk. The kids who ran from home and the kids who got maybe left out of home and not to get into the crazy circumstances that get them there because it’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is that 13 and 14 year olds cannot defend themselves against menaces that are adults. Exactly. And the dangers that they’re exposing themselves to. So for any of our brothers and sisters out there that are inspired by this, reach out to Jay. You can always reach out to your broker’s playbook community at community at brokers playbook.com for ideas or for charities that desperately need help. We do have a lot of them that reach out to us to be connected with agents that want to build community. So good on you for doing that, good on you for starting your your investor focused real estate route. I think you’re going to triple your business, to be honest with you, because that’s how we did it. So the proof is is there. Thank you for being here, my man. I appreciate it. And I look forward to working with you and collaborating with you.

Jay McNabb: Yeah, no, thank you, man, for having me. And if anybody doesn’t follow me on social, it’s at Jay McNabb dot Toro Group.

Simeon Papailias: Amazing man. Man, thank you for being here.

Jay McNabb: Peace.
Simeon Papailias: Thank you so very much for spending your time with us here at Brokers Playbook. This is a growing community. If you found value in this video, please invite others to subscribe and of course, share the videos with. We’ll see you soon.